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Farmers and orchard owners information page

Recruitment of farms and orchards for the study

We have recruited a number of farms and orchards that spray selected pesticides in the East Lothian, Norfolk and Kent areas and that also have residential areas in close proximity to their fields.

Participating farms and orchards are asked to provide information relating to their planned  pesticide usage for the forthcoming year (example recording form). We also ask participating farmers to record details of spraying events throughout the spraying season using a simple recording form.
Participating farms and orchards are asked to provide information relating to their planned pesticide usage for the forthcoming year (example recording form). We will also ask participating farmers to record details of spraying events throughout the spraying season using a simple recording form .
To cover any inconvenience caused by providing this information, we will compensate you with a small sum for each completed weekly record sheet that is returned to us.
In addition, farmers, their partners and their children will be given the opportunity to take part in the study by providing urine samples throughout the spraying season. Please click here for further information on this.
If you are interested in participating in the study and are happy for a member of the research team to contact you, please complete the fields in the Study Recruitment Form.
Alternatively, to contact or speak to a member of the research team for further information about the project click here